Page name: powers of old [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-02-19 13:11:05
Last author: test_drive
Owner: test_drive
# of watchers: 10
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Powers of Old

A conspiracy is growing within the palace of the Caesar Ikilios, a proud Caesar of Rome. With his growing awareness of the tension in his palace and the vast land he holds in his power, danger draws ever closer to the Caesar. He will need the help of the gods and goddesses, and the wisdom and strength of his fellow loyal subjects. But to what avail? The enemies of Caesar also have the favors of the gods...

PLEASE do not join IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE SERIOUS about this RPG! For the sake of others!
lol, i APOLOGIZE for this, but i'm changing the date!! the RPG will start today, FEBRUARY 6TH, 2004


-you can be one character from each section, except for the gods, you can be one minor god and one major god. enjoy~!

Gods and Goddesses
Subjects of Caesar
Enemies of Caesar

Ceasar Ikilios
username: [cheesemonkey]
Physical description: He's tall, built with some muscle, very handsome, shoulder-length golden locks, always wears white togas, dark green eyes
personality: confident, self assured, trusts his companions yet has spies working for him just in case, cares very deeply for Rome and her people, always prays to and honors the gods, and he loves women (<--*grin*)


And so, the fate of Rome begins to turn...

if you have any questions, message [test_drive] or leave it in the comment boxes!

you guys can choose your favorite banner and put it in your house to advertise! we need more ppl!!!!!

Roman Banners <--click that to see all our banners!


2-10-2004 --- new information about the Gods and Goddesses have been added, thanks to a very, very helpful new friend of mine, [Sunny Silverunicorn]! i will constantly be looking for information to have and if u have any, i'll be grateful for ur contribution!! a new page has been added to the Pantheon; Pantheon 3
we also have a new glossary of our own!!! Roman Terms
2-11-2004 -- a new page has been added to Ikilios' Palace; Ikilios' Palace 4
2-19-2004 -- a new page has been added to the Pantheon and Ikilios' Palace; Pantheon 4, Ikilios' Palace 5

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2004-04-24 [this user is dead]: umm nope *turns and runs into a wall* ok this is getting old what all the walls

2004-04-24 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: I wonder...*Walks slowly towards dragon.*

2004-04-24 [this user is dead]: * gets back up agian and turns and hits another wall * ouch allright me going to just not move

2004-04-24 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: Will you stop poking me?

2004-04-24 [this user is dead]: yes no more walls plz

2004-04-24 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: Fine...*Takes away the walls that were actually paper.*

2004-04-24 [this user is dead]: wait that not funny how did i not go through it

2004-04-24 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: *Shrugs* Magic! (Gtg, bye!)

2004-04-24 [this user is dead]: okies ttyl

2004-04-25 [Dryad]: yaaay....

2004-04-25 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: .....

2004-04-25 [this user is dead]: ehhhhhh

2004-04-25 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: Gtg, nighty night!

2004-04-25 [this user is dead]: okies nighty night wait it morning ummmm

2004-04-25 [Dryad]: bye

2004-04-26 [this user is dead]: me not going me says nighty night to Agent hee hee hee yous Dryad me dodad

2004-04-26 [Dryad]: yup yup yup

2004-04-27 [this user is dead]: yupers ( hey have you red the books by R.A. salvastone or how ever you spell it

2004-04-27 [Dryad]: No. Gods that guy has alot of free time!

2004-04-28 [Rizzen]: it's spelled Salvatore. And he seems to have a lot of free time becuse he writes for a living(but you already knew that) If one writes for a living, of course they are going to have a lot of books and some of his works will be fairly long

2004-04-28 [Rizzen]: if that was what Dryad was refering to

2004-04-28 [this user is dead]: no she was talking about me because me have read a lot of books

2004-04-29 [Rizzen]: well then... It seems I've made an ass of myself

2004-04-29 [this user is dead]: nope it is just i have read alot of books more then somepeople

2004-04-29 [Rizzen]: well then...

2004-04-29 [this user is dead]: yup how are you

2004-04-29 [Rizzen]: not to bad. you?

2004-04-29 [this user is dead]: good but bored me have no more books to read dam hee hee hee but otherwise good

2004-04-29 [Rizzen]: well then...

2004-04-29 [§pitfire]: hye rizzen, wrote you back

2004-04-29 [Rizzen]: you mean the prayer. Aurellius is not me, he belongs to Skanderbik.

2004-04-29 [§pitfire]: ooohh I see. :) lmao. wow I really am out of it. yeash. I need sleep. with.. you know... rest. something like that.

2004-04-29 [Rizzen]: indeed

2004-04-29 [this user is dead]: ummm me always vconfused

2004-04-29 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: .......*scratches head, confused* sorry I haven't been on lately, my net was fried for awhile, it's fixed now though.

2004-04-30 [this user is dead]: ello friend hee hee hee * pokes all people around him and then turns and runs in to a wall

2004-04-30 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: *Scowls and sits crosslegged on the middle of the floor*

2004-04-30 [§pitfire]: *jumps on Dragon's back.* HA! poke me will ya!!!

2004-04-30 [this user is dead]: ouch me first get hit by a wall then some one falls one me no fun

2004-05-01 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: *Doesn't move or change expression*

2004-05-01 [this user is dead]: can someone help me plz

2004-05-01 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: what?

2004-05-01 [this user is dead]: me beind sat on by spitfire

2004-05-01 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: hmmm....nope, I think you can handle it pretty good byt yourself! *Sits down and watches* ;)

2004-05-01 [this user is dead]: no fair

2004-05-01 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: Yes fair.

2004-05-01 [this user is dead]: no fair

2004-05-01 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: yes, it is fair.

2004-05-01 [this user is dead]: no it not plz help me me will do anything you want

2004-05-01 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: *Shrugs and pulls him out from under Spitfire.* There, I did my good duty of the day. *Sits back down*

2004-05-01 [this user is dead]: me sorry for pokeing what can i do to make it up

2004-05-01 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: *Shrugs* I dunno. Apology accepted though.

2004-05-01 [this user is dead]: okies how have you been

2004-05-01 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: I don't know.

2004-05-01 [this user is dead]: weird you dont know umm starts to run in circles around her

2004-05-01 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: *Shurgs*

2004-05-01 [this user is dead]: hee hee hee come on runing in circles is fun

2004-05-01 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: No thanks, it just makes you dizy and then you can't think strait and you end up making some kind of mistake.

2004-05-01 [Dryad]: yup sure

2004-05-01 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: ...

2004-05-02 [this user is dead]: ehhh me dont have a clue what you saying * runs in to Dryad and the falls in to Thoredda * umm me so sorry

2004-05-02 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: Uh huh...*Rubs head*

2004-05-02 [this user is dead]: umm are you okies Thoredda and Dryad

2004-05-02 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: yah, just great....

2004-05-02 [Delladreing]: hello

2004-05-02 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: hey

2004-05-02 [Delladreing]: hows everyone?

2004-05-02 [this user is dead]: hee hee hee ello me good

2004-05-02 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: *Shrugs*

2004-05-02 [Delladreing]: 'lo gain u

2004-05-02 [this user is dead]: hee hee me bored

2004-05-02 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: .........

2004-05-02 [Delladreing]: how b u thoredda?

2004-05-02 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: *Shrugs* dunno

2004-05-02 [Delladreing]: hmm ok

2004-05-02 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: I really wanna rp but my rp buddies arn't on...*Sighs*

2004-05-02 [Delladreing]: hmm mine are on but dont want to blah

2004-05-02 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: well I gtg mope around now. Goodbye!

2004-05-02 [Delladreing]: ok bye bye

2004-05-02 [this user is dead]: hee hee hee hows ares alls of yous

2004-05-02 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: ...


2004-05-03 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: for you?

2004-05-03 [this user is dead]: yes good for you hee hee hee

2004-05-05 [ShiftySkillet]: agh that sucks...broken computers suck...

2004-05-05 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: I agree, my net fried for 7 days but we got it back! ^^ So glad now!

2004-05-05 [this user is dead]: hee hee hee

2004-05-06 [Delladreing]: hello again!

2004-05-06 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: lo

2004-05-07 [this user is dead]: ell all hee you

2004-05-07 [Dryad]: yup

2004-05-07 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: *Hums*

2004-05-07 [this user is dead]: dumm de dumm dumm

2004-05-08 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: *Hums, meditating* ;)

2004-05-09 [this user is dead]: what is im lost

2004-05-09 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: ...?

2004-05-09 [Delladreing]: good afternoon/ morning

2004-05-09 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: maybe for you....

2004-05-09 [Delladreing]: no not really i was trying to be cheerfull

2004-05-09 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: oh...tired? What time did you go to bed at?

2004-05-09 [Delladreing]: went to bed at 2am and then got up at 7am cuz im a dumbass lol

2004-05-09 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: I don't know what time I went to bed...all I know is that it was dark outside but the birds were making ALOT of fricken noise! lol then I got up at 9:45

2004-05-09 [Delladreing]: lol yea god dam birds. we have a birds nest outside my window and it takes all my strenght not to lean out the window and shout "SHUT UP" lol

2004-05-09 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: lol, I hear ya.

2004-05-09 [Delladreing]: *or to borrow her frends dads shot gun from the farm lol*

2004-05-09 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: Can I use it first? lol

2004-05-09 [Delladreing]: *hands gun over* if u want lol

2004-05-09 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: Ty! lol *Shoots bird* Ahh, listen to the silence!

2004-05-09 [Rizzen]: that may work fine and all, but I prefer the soviet carbine and hollow tips *shoots squirrel, squirrel explodes*

2004-05-09 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: Ahhhh!! Squirrls are out to get us! They eat our insides then use our skins to disguise themselves to eat more humans!!! Run away from the squirrls! *Runs in circles screaming* lol

2004-05-09 [Dryad]: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

2004-05-10 [this user is dead]: ahhhhh squirrls are cool now them bunnys are the thingsy you have to watch

2004-05-10 [Rizzen]: yeah, but luckely their easy to kill. Its the turkeys that put up a fight

2004-05-10 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: *Huddles into a ball* Turkeys....mah!

2004-05-10 [Dryad]: NOOOO NOT THE TURKIES!!!

2004-05-10 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: *cries*

2004-05-10 [Dryad]: waaaah!!!!!

2004-05-10 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: Meh...*shrugs* I give up...

2004-05-10 [Dryad]: Okaaaaay...geez why do some people have to be so VIOLENT in rps?

2004-05-10 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: Beats me anyways...just cause your a friend I thought I would tell you this...

2004-05-10 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: This message is going to be sent to everyone on my relation list:

2004-05-10 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: I don't think I belong on elftown any longer. Although I love it, I may leave for awhile.

2004-05-10 [ShiftySkillet]: noo!

2004-05-11 [this user is dead]: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

2004-05-11 [Rizzen]: though I am dissapointed, I cannot enforce any opinion of mine. If you feel you should leave, I bid you a fond farewell. May God bless you Lady Thordda

2004-05-11 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: Thanks you guys but I think that I might not leave because I have been talking to someone about the stuff happening and about how I was gonna quite and they sort of persuaded me not to.

2004-05-11 [Dryad]: how? what's wrong with it anyeays?

2004-05-12 [DeadHead]: *peepes head in* is sarconia dead yet? *laughs*

2004-05-12 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: nvm. Just forget about it.

2004-05-12 [ShiftySkillet]: whee?

2004-05-12 [Dryad]: He's not QUITE dead yet!

2004-05-13 [DeadHead]: uhmm.. *coughs* sarconia is a gurl..

2004-05-14 [this user is dead]: peoples in the head are gone all gone

2004-05-14 [DeadHead]: wut?

2004-05-14 [this user is dead]: they are gone hee hee hee hey how are you

2004-05-14 [DeadHead]: lol, i noticed heh, im good how about yourself?

2004-05-14 [this user is dead]: always good when i can make someone laugh hee hee hee but yea me good but girls still confuse me

2004-05-14 [DeadHead]: lol why do gurls confuse you? and can you tell me the info on wuts been happening in rome, i havent been on in a while.

2004-05-14 [this user is dead]: i have no clue this is like the first time for a while to umm just talking i guess and they are just weird

2004-05-14 [DeadHead]: their not weird, i love the people who i rpg with here :P

2004-05-14 [this user is dead]: ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no me mean irl

2004-05-14 [DeadHead]: :p its all good no worries

2004-05-14 [this user is dead]: i know but i have like 20 girls take me down to the ground and tickle, pich me and they take away my shoes

2004-05-14 [DeadHead]: lol

2004-05-14 [this user is dead]: not funny i had to buy a new pair of shoes

2004-05-14 [DeadHead]: aw.

2004-05-14 [this user is dead]: yes it is confuseing i think they do it beacuse i will never hit a girl

2004-05-14 [DeadHead]: lol yea prolly

2004-05-14 [this user is dead]: yup

2004-05-14 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: meh

2004-05-15 [Dryad]: Ummmmmm why not? Some girls DESERVE to be hit, it all depends on the situation. Then again, it's not too pleasant getting whacked by a guy...

2004-05-15 [DeadHead]: yea thats the worst thing in the world.

2004-05-15 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: lol

2004-05-17 [this user is dead]: yea me hurt those kinda guys but i can never bring my self to hurt a girl it is just not in me some call me chicken for that but i have no clue

2004-05-17 [DeadHead]: no your a man for that, not a pos bastard :)

2004-05-17 [this user is dead]: yea im wait what is a pos bastard

2004-05-17 [DeadHead]: piece of shit bastard lol

2004-05-17 [this user is dead]: ooooo yea im not that hip hip hurray hee hee hee so that is good yea so how are youq

2004-05-17 [this user is dead]: ooooo yea im not that hip hip hurray hee hee hee so that is good yea so how are you

2004-05-18 [DeadHead]: tired how are you?

2004-05-18 [this user is dead]: good but bored

2004-05-18 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: howdy all!

2004-05-19 [this user is dead]: yey howdy cow girls hows are all of yous yea

2004-05-19 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: Superduper! *Waves cowboy hat*

2004-05-19 [this user is dead]: yes waves irish hat

2004-05-19 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: What's an irish hat?

2004-05-19 [this user is dead]: a green hat that lepercons waer it like a top hat but shorter and green

2004-05-19 [DeadHead]: im irish.. REALLY irish. im like 3/4 irish.

2004-05-19 [this user is dead]: sweet so am i but like 25 the 25 scotish the like 10 german and like 3 different indeans and 5 british but i diowne that one and like 10 percent black duch

2004-05-19 [DeadHead]: lol.. im really white.. i have spanyard hair and eyes.. but other than that im the rest irish ^^

2004-05-19 [this user is dead]: sweet

2004-05-21 [Dryad]: lucky. I'm mostly dutch. and then scottish/english.

2004-05-21 [DeadHead]: :)

2004-05-21 [Dryad]: *whimpers* i wish I was welsh...dude that almost rhymes...almost...

2004-05-21 [DeadHead]: lol. i wish i was anything but irish.

2004-05-21 [§pitfire]: hey! I love the irish!! grr....

2004-05-21 [DeadHead]: lol, so you love me?? *bats eyelashes* rotf

2004-05-21 [§pitfire]: lmfao. oh damn right!!! *nudges* whatya say.... me and you? behin the shed? 5 minutes?

2004-05-21 [DeadHead]: *rasies eyebrows* make it 2 *runs of to get ready*

2004-05-21 [§pitfire]: lmao. *raises her own* I'm already ready. :O did I just say that!?!? lmfao

2004-05-21 [DeadHead]: rotf *runs back and tackles* MUAHAHA

2004-05-21 [§pitfire]: teehee!!! oh the fun! *giggles uncontrollably* MAN I'M HYPER!

2004-05-21 [DeadHead]: *laughs* me tooo

2004-05-21 [§pitfire]: it's fun to be us! lmao.

2004-05-21 [DeadHead]: i know!! XD

2004-05-21 [§pitfire]: lmao. I get to drink for free all weekened!! :D I love being me!

2004-05-21 [DeadHead]: whoo hoo, i get to drink for free everyweekend, I LOVE BEING US!! :)

2004-05-21 [§pitfire]: lmfao. that I do! that I do! *hugs* I love you! you're--- ME!!

2004-05-21 [DeadHead]: *hugglies back* yea i know..w ere so much alike!! :)

2004-05-21 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: meh...?

2004-05-21 [Dryad]: why don't you wanna be irish?

2004-05-21 [Dryad]: at least you don't have to wear wooden shoes! they blister...

2004-05-22 [this user is dead]: yay why dont you wana be irish they cool and i am also irish yay and scotish but i like me heritage why dont you want to be irish

2004-05-22 [DeadHead]: becuase im freakin deathly pale, and i burn when im in the sun. i love where i came from.. just wish i didnt get the atributes of them :P

2004-05-22 [this user is dead]: ahhh yes that sucks

2004-05-22 [DeadHead]: lol yes very much

2004-05-22 [this user is dead]: hee hee hee

2004-05-24 [Dryad]: ahhh. But pale is great! especially if you're going for the vampire Ah well. I guess I'll just stick with my clogs and tulips for now...

2004-05-24 [DeadHead]: lol. im pasty but i dont mind :)_

2004-05-24 [§pitfire]: lmao. I'm not pasty, I'm luminecient! I glow! lmao stupid paleness.....

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